Saturday, 26 September 2015


Right from the onset, just after creation, man began earning profound influence from its environment (either negative or positive). Our first parents (Adam and Eve) are today remembered to be the premier "Mumu’s" who fell to the negative influence of the environment due to cowardice as they fell prey to the antics of an external stimulus presented by the serpent at the expense  of their joy, fulfilment and everlasting life.

Unfortunately, our today's society has systematically evolved and improvised on the Garden of Eden's stimulus, thereby institutionalizing millions of innocent individuals to its corrupting influence.

For example, there are noticeable evolving changes in the dressing and grooming of individuals for decades now. As a matter of fact, today, the essence of wearing dresses has been thrown into the mud as a handful of individuals are obsessed with what the majority are putting on or what’s trending. Dresses are now worn to exhibit nakedness instead of covering it.

An elderly man was strolling down the street one cool evening as he wanted to keep fit. But unfortunately, his fitness turned to sadness. Why? Just few minutes of his stroll, he started seeing some sort of season film as if he was hallucinating; young girls were dressed and groomed just like an unfeathered hen, as young boys couldn't be differentiated from touts.

At a point, 'Baba' halted one of the girls and asked; "Did your parents see you before you left home?" The young girl felt embarrassed as she kept quiet, facing downwards. The elderly man continued; "You better go back and appear responsible." The girl thereafter turned back in shame.

Moreover, it would not be out of place to state that this young girl is a robot in the control of her environment; she dressed just like some other girls or perhaps followed the fashion trend.

Just like this young girl, very many individual have ignored the consequences of dressing to environmental influence. Sad to say, due to improper dressing and grooming, many became victims of rape, sexual harassments and molestation. Some others had lost golden opportunities.

The society seems to be depreciating in its values system.  Peers now see you to be an odd one out. We now normalise abnormalities, the abnormal becomes normal while the normal becomes abnormal all in the name fashion.

The beauty of your body is not in your ability to flaunt your Nakedness; Beauty is something that is within you. Ladies, there is nothing wrong in using a make-up, after all makeups add to your natural beauty when it is used moderately but it becomes abnormal when you use it to the extreme. Adding too much of makeups will only make you to age untimely or what is the essence of cosmetics that couldn’t differentiate you from masquerades?

Flaunting your boobs, cleavage, thighs or your knickers devalues your worth, this  might be appealing to some men but the fact is that a real man will appreciate you more when you appreciate your body. This starts from within, when you fail to appreciate what you have; you give room for people to downgrade your self-esteem.

Paul Tarsus in his letters to the Corinthians church in 1 Corinthians 6: 19-20 tells us how valuable our body is:

 “What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's” (KJV.)

How you treat your body matters and can affect your spiritual growth. You can look nice, presentable and godly without being naked or partly naked all in the craziness of fashion!

It’s amazing when you go to boutiques/shops to purchase clothes that reveal half of your body when there are nice cloths in the same boutique that even cost less. I wonder how a normal person pays more to devalue his/her body and pay less to present his/her body appropriately.

You can defer with me on this, but would it be proper to be lost in unnecessary want of the world by following every available fashion trend? This is not limited to some ladies alone; there are many men that also display the above characteristics. They (ladies and gentlemen) anxiously go to the shops and through magazine and Internet to see what is in vogue and the latest trend in town. Not that it is bad to be fashionable, in fact it dignifies you and makes you look good, however it becomes abnormal when your dressing becomes a tool for other people's downfall or sin.

The fact that you reveal your body or you cover up a lot does not draw the right man, your body is not a sale product in which you use all markets strategies to entice consumers in other to get the highest bidders. It’s what you carry inside and your desires for God’s will that will eventually bring the right Man that is God's chosen for you.

Our values system has deteriorated to the extent that it is very difficult these days to distinguish between a church gathering and a club house. I give kudos to the churches that do not join the society to “legalise the illegality”. Houses of God shouldn’t drop their morale standards; it should be a place where such devilish act shouldn’t be condoned. I am not saying you should dress as if you are mourning in God's presence but you must be conscious of what you wear always. Remember your body is the living temple of God and so must not be put in the mud.

 Some guys (ladies not exempted) measure the degree at which they are fashionable with the rate at which they can sag (to wear one’s trousers so that the top is well below the waist). A very observant person can easily see the lines that separate their buttocks into a pair. How I wish they could trace the history of sagging and the kind of people that started the act. I wonder if that is fashion or madness!

Do not use your body as an instrument of destruction or backsliding to others.

You are beautiful no matter what people say. Your beauty is hidden deep inside you, it is not till you front them. It should show the uniqueness in you (God’s glory) and not the other way round. Do not let your body be an element of abnormalities in the name of crazy fashion trend. If you were to stand before God in that clothe, will He welcome you?

Dress responsibly! Don’t join in the anomalies.

Written by:

Linus Kingdom Madueke.

Writer, Public Affair Analyst,     
And an Interior Designer.
             Ayokunmi Solomon Jimoh.
                President/Initiator: The Immaculate Team




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